Nutrient Management
- Managing Cropland for Nutrient Capture
- Reducing Nutrient Loss: Science Shows What Works
- Site-Specific Nutrient Management
- Agricultural Nitrogen Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest
- Sensing Nitrogen Stress in Corn
- Use of the End-of-Season Corn Stalk Nitrate Test in Iowa Corn Production
- Nitrogen Use in Iowa Corn Production
- Agricultural Phosphorus Management and Water Quality Protection in the Midwest
- Effects of Tillage and Phosphorus Source on Long Term Phosphorus Runoff Loss and Crop Yield
Pesticide Management
Manure Management
- Effect of Poultry Manure on Water Quality
- The Effect of Swine Manure Application on Bacter Quality of Leachate From Intact Soil Columns
- Runoff Phosphorus Loss as Affected by Tillage Fertilizer and Swine Manure Phosphorus Management in Corn-Soybean Production Systems
- Small Feedlot Runoff Management Using Low-Pressure Flood Irrigation
- The Iowa Phosphorus Index and Manure Management Plans for Confinements
- Crop Residue Management with No-till, Ridge-till, Mulch-till, and Strip-till -- Conservation and Tillage Systems and Management
- Planning -- Conservation Tillage
- Residue Management and Cultural Practices -- Resources Conservation Practices
- Consider the Strip- Tillage Alternative -- Resource Conservation Practices
- Considerations in Selecting No-Till -- Resource Conservation Practices
- Controlling Corn Diseases in Conservation Tillage
Soil Health
- Soil Quality in Organic Agricultural Systems
- Understanding and Managing Soil Compaction -- Resource Conservation Practices
- Tillage Management and Soil Organic Matter -- Resource Conservation Practices
Cover Crops
- Small Grain Cover Crops for Corn and Soybean
- Cover Crops: A guide for Iowa Producers
- Attitudes Toward Cover Crops in Iowa: Benefits and Barriers
- Intercropping Winter Cereal Grains Winter Cereal Grains and Red Clover
- Spring Wheat in Iowa
- Environmental Benefits and Management of Small Grain Cover Crops in Corn-Soybean Rotations
- Additional cover crop resources and information from Iowa Learning Farms
Living Mulches
Biomass Harvest
- Managing Crop Residue Removal and Soil Quality Changes
- Managing Crop Residue Removal and Soil Organic Matter
- Consider the Possibility of Reduced Tillage after Biomass Harvest
- Giant Miscanthus - Rhizomes v. Plugs
- Giant Miscanthus Eradication
- Giant Miscanthus Establishment
- Giant Miscanthus Weed Control
- Estimated Costs for Production, Storage, and Transportation of Switchgrass
- Switchgrass Seeding Recommendations for the Production of Biomass Fuel in Southern Iowa
- Switchgrass
- Farmers' motivations for adoption of switchgrass
- Comparison of Biofuel Systems Native prairie produces biofuel and protects soil, water and biodiversity
Extended Rotations
- Economic Analysis of Three Iowa Rotations
- Recognizing Challenges to Iowa's Annual Cropping Systems
- Energy and Economic Returns by Crop Rotation
Pasture Management
- Effects of Grazing Management on Pasture Characteristics Affecting Sediment and Phosphorus Pollution of Pasture Streams
- A Guide to Managing Pasture Water - Streamside Buffers
- A Guide to Managing Pasture Water - Stabilized Stream and Pond Access Sites
- Converting CRP Land to Pasture - Managing Weeds and Fertility | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
- Converting to Pasture or Hay - Evaluating Current Vegetation | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
- Converting to Pasture or Hay - Forage Seeding Mixtures | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
- Converting to Pasture or Hay - Repairing, Replanting CRP Land | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options