Contacts - Urban Forestry
Are you a home or business owner in need of tree pruning, removal, plant health care, or other arboricultural services? Do you represent a community seeking to enhance its urban forest resource through strategic planning and initiatives? Need to identify a tree disease or insect issue? Certified Arborists, the IDNR Urban Forestry Program, and University Extension are your keys to successful, sustainable urban forestry projects. If you do not find a sawmill in the contacts list for your county, please look at additional sawmills listed in our directory of wood processors.
View contacts for each county by selecting the county below.
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- Adair
- Adams
- Allamakee
- Appanoose
- Audubon
- Benton
- Black Hawk
- Boone
- Bremer
- Buchanan
- Buena Vista
- Butler
- Calhoun
- Carroll
- Cass
- Cedar
- Cerro Gordo
- Cherokee
- Chickasaw
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- Clayton
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- Dickinson
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- Emmet
- Fayette
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- Franklin
- Fremont
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- Guthrie
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- Hancock
- Hardin
- Harrison
- Henry
- Howard
- Humboldt
- Ida
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- Jackson
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- Kossuth
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- Linn
- Louisa
- Lucas
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- Mahaska
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- Marshall
- Mills
- Mitchell
- Monona
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Muscatine
- O'Brien
- Osceola
- Page
- Palo Alto
- Plymouth
- Pocahontas
- Polk
- Pottawattamie
- Poweshiek
- Ringgold
- Sac
- Scott
- Shelby
- Sioux
- Story
- Tama
- Taylor
- Union
- Van Buren
- Wapello
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Webster
- Winnebago
- Winneshiek
- Woodbury
- Worth
- Wright
The information contained on the Natural Resources Stewardship Directory on this website is an amalgamation of publicly-available information. Inclusion of entities in the application does not imply endorsement by Iowa State University or affiliates. Please contact us with any questions about the application.