Women's Woodland Stewardship Network: Women Landowner Meetup

Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 9:30am to 3:00pm

The Women's Woodland Stewardship Network is offering an event at McFarland Park in Ames on Saturday, April 27th, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. We will spend the morning exploring the woods around the park with ISU professor Dr. Cathy McMullen who will talk about woodland wildflower identification and woodland understory restoration. Then we will tour a property near the park that was newly acquired by Story County Conservation and learn from Natural Resources Specialist Brandon Clough about planned management projects for the property. There will be an hour for lunch, which will be provided. After lunch, we will hear from some local conservation professionals about landowner assistance programs. All women who are interested in woodlands are welcome to join us. 

Attendance for this event is limited to 15 people. Registration is required by April 22nd. The registration cost is $20, which includes lunch. Register online at https://go.iastate.edu/XXLUZC

Download the event flyer here

Contact Julia Baker at jaclymer@iastate.edu with any questions. 

