ISU Extension and Outreach, in partnership with Amana Forestry, the Iowa DNR, the National Wild Turkey Federation, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service is offering a women's walk in the woods event at the Amana Nature Trail. During this event, women will have the opportunity to meet and get to know other female woodland enthusiasts in their area. Several female professional foresters will lead a tour of the woodlands at the Amana Nature Trail where participants will learn about tree identification and forest health. Amana Forestry will also share information about management practices they use on this site. The day will wrap up with an opportunity to learn about woodland-related resources and assistance programs from area female professionals.
This event is part of a new program called the Women's Woodland Stewardship Network (WWSN) that seeks to empower women to become more involved in woodland stewardship and forestry-related activities in Iowa. The program will support women by giving them the knowledge to be active in woodland management decision-making and expanding their connections with other women who own or have influence over woodlands in Iowa.
Light refreshments will be provided. Participants should bring a camp chair if one is available to them and they should dress for light hiking on trails in the woods. Motorized transport will be available as needed. In the case of heavy rain or severe weather, the event will be canceled. The event will still be held with light rain.
This is a free event with required registration. To register, please contact Julia Baker at or 515-294-7991 by Friday, October 22nd.