The 43rd annual Shimek State Forest fall forestry field day will occur in-person on 10/5/21, in Lee County, IA. The morning sessions will allow partipants to experience first-hand the sites viewed during the 2020 Shimek State Forest virtual field day, which include a range of even-aged oak management treatments (e.g., shelterwood harvest). During afternoon sessions, participants will learn how forest management impacts birds, insect and disease threats to Iowa's forests, and identification and value of Iowa's forest understory species. Experts will be on-hand from: Iowa DNR, private forestry consultants, ISU Extension, and the ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Center. Pre-registration is highly encouraged so as to guarantee a meal!
Download the event agenda (including registation instructions) here: shimek_fffd_2021_promo_agenda.pdf
Prime the pump! - The 2020 Shimek State Forest virtual forestry field day may be viewed at this link.