A native of Europe, the Norway spruce (Picea abies) has been planted widely in this country and Iowa for ornamental use and for windbreak plantings. It is a large, fast-growing tree requiring a fertile, moist soil.
Hardiness: Zones 3b through 7 (can survive zone 8, but is not well adapted to those conditions)
Growth Rate: Moderate to fast, especially when young. (may grow to 75 feet in 50 years).
Mature Shape: Pyramidal with branches that hang down. Stiff when young, becoming more graceful with age.
Height: 75-100 feet
Width: 40-50 feet
Site Requirements: Adaptable, but prefers moist, cool areas. Often found around streams or lakes.
Flowering Dates: April - June
Seed Dispersal Dates: September - April
Seed Bearing Age: 30-50 years
Seed Bearing Frequency: Every 3-13 years
Seed Stratification: Prechill for 4 months at 34°F to 40°F
The needles are single, angular or four-sided, yellow-green in color, 1/2 to 1 inch long and slightly curved. More of the needles are borne on the upper surface of the twigs where they usually point forward. The foliage appears to droop or weep.
The cone is 4 to 7 inches long; light brown; hanging down. Norway spruce grow 75 to 100 feet tall. They make good winter cover for wildlife.
Diseases that Can Affect Norway Spruce
Insects that Can Affect Norway Spruce