There are six species of dogwood found in Iowa: pagoda, rough-leaf, red-osier, gray, round-leaf, and silky. The dogwoods are used for ornamental plantings in the state, and they make a good shrub row in windbreak plantings. The flowering dogwood, the most popular of the dogwoods, is not found in Iowa, but grows in the eastern United States and west to Illinois.
Dogwoods are rich in tannic acids, and the roots, bark, leaves and unripe fruit were used in early days for medicinal purposes such as tonics and astringents.
Leaves are opposite simple, except for pagoda dogwood, which has alternate leaves. Leaves can be 3 to 6 inches long. The veins run parallel to the leaf margin. The mid-vein contains fine strands when pulled apart.
Hardiness: Zones 5 through 8
Growth Rate: Moderate
Mature Shape: Layered, spreading crown, valued as an ornamental tree
Height: 15-30 feet
Width: 15-20 feet
Site Requirements: Moist well-drained soil, acidic soil in partial sun to thrive
Flowering Dates: April - May
Seed Dispersal Dates: October - November
Seed Bearing Age: Varies
Seed Bearing Frequency: Yearly
Stratification Requirements: 105 days cold stratification