Learn more about Iowa’s aquatic wildlife diversity during the Iowa Learning Farms webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
From the mighty Mississippi to small puddles in the middle of crop fields or forests, Iowa has a remarkable diversity of aquatic ecosystems and organisms that depend on them. In this webinar, Adam Janke, assistant professor in natural resources ecology and management and extension wildlife specialist at Iowa State University, will explore this wildlife diversity and highlight some unique, and perhaps less understood, species of wildlife found in Iowa’s aquatic ecosystems.
To participate in the live webinar, shortly before 12 p.m. CST on Feb. 10:
- Click this URL, or type this web address into your internet browser: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/364284172.
- Or, go to https://iastate.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID 364 284 172.
- Or, join from a dial-in phone line. Dial +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923; meeting ID 364 284 172.
The webinar will also be recorded and archived on the ILF website, so that it can be watched at any time. Archived webinars are available online.