Events Archive
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place Jan. 19 at noon will feature Amy Toth, professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Iowa State University. Toth is an integrative biologist studying the fundamental and applied aspects of the biology of social insects. Her laboratory investigates aspects of the behavior, genetics, evolution and ecology of bees and wasps.
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place Jan. 12 at noon CST will feature Matt Helmers, professor and agricultural engineering specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Helmers leads research on the impact of agricultural management and conservation practices on water quality. He will draw on his expertise with field drainage systems and drainage water quality in this session.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group will present a virtual cover crop field day on Thursday, Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. CST.
Iowa Learning Farms, the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program, announced details for its new series of in-person social outreach events aimed at engaging farmers in informal conversations about conservation topics that may be on their minds. As the names suggest, “Coffee and Conservation” will be held in the mornings with coffee.
Iowa Learning Farms, the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program, announced details for its new series of in-person social outreach events aimed at engaging farmers in informal conversations about conservation topics that may be on their minds. As the names suggest, “Conservation on Tap” will be held in the evening at venues where beer is available to accompany the conversations.
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place Dec. 8 at noon CST will feature Adam Janke, extension wildlife specialist and assistant professor, Iowa State University, and Kay Stefanik, assistant director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center housed at Iowa State University.
Iowa Learning Farms, the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program, announced details for its new series of in-person social outreach events aimed at engaging farmers in informal conversations about conservation topics that may be on their minds. As the names suggest, “Coffee and Conservation” will be held in the mornings with coffee.
Join other row crop and livestock farmers for the Cover Crop Boot Camp, Tuesday, Nov. 30 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This event is in-person at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny, Iowa. Attendees will hear how farmers are working with cover crops to reduce nitrogen and herbicide inputs, growing their own cover crop seed and incorporating their cover crops with livestock. Attendees will advance their understanding of how cover crops can work for them. This event is FREE, but registration is required to ensure enough space at the venue and food for lunch.
Iowa Learning Farms and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host a cover crop field day on Tuesday, Nov. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Iowa State University's Northern Research and Demonstration Farm near Kanawha.
ISU Extension and Outreach, in partnership with the Iowa DNR is offering a ladies' night out event in Elgin where women will have the opportunity to meet and get to know other female woodland enthusiasts in their area. The event will feature local female speakers who will talk about the roles they have played in conservation and managing woodlands in northeast Iowa. Speakers include Jenna Pollock, Director of Clayton County Conservation, and four local female woodland owners. Women will get to enjoy a meal together and share conversations about each other's experiences.
ISU Extension and Outreach, in partnership with Amana Forestry, the Iowa DNR, the National Wild Turkey Federation, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service is offering a women's walk in the woods event at the Amana Nature Trail. During this event, women will have the opportunity to meet and get to know other female woodland enthusiasts in their area. Several female professional foresters will lead a tour of the woodlands at the Amana Nature Trail where participants will learn about tree identification and forest health. Loess Hills State Forest fall forestry field day will occur on Tuesday, October 26th, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., near Pisgah, Iowa. This is a free event with no pre-registration required. The event will focus on oak management, which includes a "crash course" and expert panel discussion on herbicide selection and application techniques associated with oak management.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group (CLG) will be presenting a virtual field day on the benefits of increased water quality enhancement wetlands and oxbows in the Midwest on Thursday, October 21 at 1 p.m. CT.
The Iowa Woodland Owners Association will host an Urban Wood Utilization workshop on 10/9/21, near the town of Earlham, IA. Participants will tour Bear Creek Hardwoods, and learn all aspects of urban (and non-urban) wood utilization and processing, the basics of wood science and identification of top Iowa wood species, how to sell standing timber, and an optional tour of a nearby home that exhibits incredible woodworking infrastructure. Experts from Iowa DNR, ISU Extension, and private industry will be on-hand for networking and Q&A.
The Yellow River State Forest fall forestry field day will occur on Thursday, 10/7, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event will focus on the establishment, management, and value of early successional forests (i.e., young forests) - a critical habitat that is losing prevalence on the landscape. Mini-sessions will focus on timber market, wildlife disease (e.g., CWD), and programmatic updates (e.g., EQIP).
The 43rd annual Shimek State Forest fall forestry field day will occur in-person on 10/5/21, in Lee County, IA. The morning sessions will allow partipants to experience first-hand the sites viewed during the 2020 Shimek State Forest virtual field day, which include a range of even-aged oak management treatments (e.g., shelterwood harvest). During afternoon sessions, participants will learn how forest management impacts birds, insect and disease threats to Iowa's forests, and identification and value of Iowa's forest understory species.
Iowa Learning Farms and the Upper Wapsipinicon River Watershed Management Authority will host a wetland field day on Wednesday, Sept. 29, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at a wetland owned by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources near Coggon. The event is free, open to the whole family, and includes a complimentary meal.
At this field day, we will recognize Dennis and Rhonda Westergard with the Tree Farmer of the Year award. There will also be a tour of the farm where participants will learn about tornado damage and tree planting, pond management, buckthorn invasive species control, and more. Pre-registration is required by September 22nd. Download the event flyer for further directions on how to pre-register and for more detailed information about this event.
This virtual field day will be offered by Iowa Learning Farms. For information on how to register for this virtual field day, download the event flyer at this link.
A cover crop field day will be held Tuesday, Sept. 14 from noon to 2 p.m. at Roger Van Donselaar’s farm near Grinnell. The event is free, open to the whole family and includes a complimentary meal.
Cover crops continue to grow in popularity in Iowa due to their many benefits, including reduced soil erosion, weed suppression potential, reduced nitrogen and phosphorus loads entering water bodies, and increased soil organic matter. Cover crops and no-tillage work together to help increase water infiltration and reduce erosion during heavy rain events.
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar will feature Catherine DeLong, water quality program manager with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. DeLong works statewide to bring people together to share resources, ideas, and perspectives about water quality, and to help Iowans understand the role they can play in the future of Iowa’s water resources.
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place Aug. 25 at noon will feature Mark Licht, assistant professor in agronomy and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Licht’s research focuses on corn and soybean cropping systems and management that includes integration of cover crops, no-till and strip-till practices.
This Free Event will focus on agroforesty (chestnut plantation with rotational sheep grazing), and the management and ecosystem goods and services benefits of open woodlands. No registration required. See contact information in flyer for questions. valverde_agroforesty_final_july_2021.pdf
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place July 14 at noon will feature Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist at Iowa State University. Beck’s research focuses on the impacts that trees, forests, and forestry have on water quality and hydrology within agriculturally-dominated Midwestern watersheds.
Come to Reiman Gardens for Pollinator Fest and join us as we celebrate National Pollinator Week. Visit a variety of fun and educational displays, including live pollinators and plants, and interactive pollinator-themed activities. This event will happen rain or shine.
Pollinator Fest Activities: