Events Archive
The director of Iowa Learning Farms will present a webinar Nov. 23 at noon discussing the role of creative imagination as a tool in addressing water quality issues. Jacqueline Comito, anthropologist and learning farms director, is actively involved in extension and outreach activities in the areas of water, watershed-based community activities, natural resources, and environmental attitudes and behaviors.
This FREE event will allow participants to experience an exceptional forested property in Washington County, Iowa.
Topics to be covered include: Forest establishment through direct seeding (new and +25 year-old plantings); addresssing streambank erosion in forested areas, and establishment and management of pollinator habitat. Speakers include forestry professionals with the Iowa DNR, ISU Extension and Outreach, private forestry consultants, and IWOA members - and represents an unique networking opportunity with professionals and other forest stewards.
Specific event details, agenda, and registration instructions coming soon - check this page frequently.
For general program/content information, see this press release.
The Women's Woodland Stewardship Network has partnered with Bur Oak Land Trust and Indian Creek Nature Center in Cedar Rapids to offer a women's chainsaw class taught by female instructors. The class will be Saturday, October 15th, at Indian Creek Nature Center from 9 am to 4 pm.
Experience Yellow River State Forest and beautiful Allamakee County, Iowa, at one of Iowa's largest field forestry educational events. Learn practical and science-based woodland stewardship techniques and network with forestry professionals with the Iowa DNR, Iowa State Extension and Outreach, private forestry consultants, and more. Topics include tree planting tips and techniques (e.g., selecting adequate stock), forest assessment, and a new session on forest soils!
Click here for agenda, speakers, location, and registration instructions for the 2022 Shimek State Forest Fall Forestry Field Day!
Learn more about Shimek State Forest at this link.
Pregame by viewing the 2020 Shimek State Forest VIRTUAL Fall Forestry Field Day at this link.
Join us at an exceptional Butler County property, as we announce the 2022 Iowa Tree Farmer of the Year as part of this annual forestry field day. Learn practical and science-based forest stewardship techniques including reforestation and tree planting, wood turtle habitat management, black walnut crop tree release, CRP seeding (pollinator and prairie), and hear current timber market updates.
This event will feature a live logging demonstration!
In an effort to better educate Iowans on how to manage white-tailed deer and the spread of the challenging Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) that impacts their populations, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is partnering with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to offer two sessions of their educational program Chronic Wasting Disease Ambassadors.
This free outdoor event will provide opportunity to network one-on-one with forestry and natural resource professionals. Speaking topics will address windbreak establishment, maintenance, and renovation. This event is open to all Iowans, regardless of county of residence.
Pre-registration requested by 9/6 to guarantee your meal (see flyer for instructions).
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is partnering with Extension and Outreach at the University of Illinois and the University of Missouri to offer a tri-state women's woodland stewardship field day at the White Oak Campground in Shimek State Forest on September 9. During this event, nine female forestry professionals from all three states will provide demonstrations and guided hikes on topics including forest management, non-timber forest products, wildlife habitat, tree identification, timber sales, forest health, forest stewardship plans, and forestry equipment.
This free outdoor event will provide opportunity to network one-on-one with forestry and natural resource professionals. Speaking topics will address windbreak establishment, maintenance, and renovation. This event is open to all Iowans, regardless of county of residence.
Pre-registration requested by 9/6 to guarantee your meal (see flyer for instructions).
Click here for flyer, topics, and pre-registration instructions.
Iowa Learning Farms and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host a field day Wednesday, Aug. 24, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Mark Kenney’s Farm near Nevada. The free event is open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal.
The Iowa Learning Farms conservation webinar taking place Aug. 17 at noon CDT will feature Jorgen Rose, habitat and policy viability manager at Practical Farmers of Iowa. Rose is part of the team that works with farmers to connect them with people, networks, education and resources they need to build more resilient farms and communities.
Iowa Learning Farms, along with Iowa State University's Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips, the Jackson County Conservation Board, and the Sand County Foundation will host a prairie strips field day Wednesday, July 27, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Gossman Farm near Zwingle. The event is free and open to the whole family and includes a complimentary meal.
Come to Reiman Gardens for Pollinator Fest and join us as we celebrate National Pollinator Week. Visit a variety of fun and educational displays, including live pollinators and plants, and interactive pollinator-themed activities. This event will happen rain or shine.
In an effort to better educate Iowans on how to manage white-tailed deer and the spread of the challenging Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) that impacts their populations, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is partnering with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to offer two sessions of their educational program Chronic Wasting Disease Ambassadors.
This event marks the first offering of what is hoped to be a spring forestry tradition in northeast Iowa. For topic and speaker lineups, details, directions, and registration instructions (RSVP required), please see link below.
The Volga River State Rec. Area field day offers opportunites to experience firsthand an array of active forest management efforts, intent on achieving a diversity of forest management goals, including timber revenue, wildlife habitat, water quality, climate resilinecy, and recreation.
Landowners and forest stewards in the Midwest are encouraged to attend this year’s May 21 in northwestern Illinois. The conference is sponsored by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the University of Illinois Extension Forestry Program. The event will include speakers from both universities, as well as the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Illinois DNR, private forestry consultants, forest soils graduate students, and more.