Lee County Contacts for Forestry
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District Forester
District Foresters are professional foresters that work with private landowners in regions throughout the state. They provide consultation and planning services related to timber sales, tree planting, and improving wildlife habitat or timber quality. They also provide guidance on cost share assistance programs and tax incentive programs. Professional foresters such as Iowa DNR district foresters and private forestry consultants should be the first point of contact for forestry projects.
Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
The Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnosis of plant problems (plant diseases, insect damage, and assessment of herbicide damage) and the identification of insects from the field, forest, garden, and homes.
Private Forestry Consultants/Contractors
Private forestry consultants and contractors provide landowners with a wide range of forestry services, ranging from general consultation, forest management planning, and timber sale administration, to site preparation, invasive species management, and tree planting and maintenance.
Note: professional foresters (i.e., private forestry consultants and Iowa DNR District Foresters) should be your first point of contact for any forestry project. The contact list that follows indicates whether a business has a professional forester on staff. How do we define a professional forester?
The information contained on the Natural Resources Stewardship Directory on this website is an amalgamation of publicly-available information. Inclusion of entities in the application does not imply endorsement by Iowa State University or affiliates. Please contact us with any questions about the application.