Marshall County Contacts for Soil and Water Conservation
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Cover Crop Provider
Practical Farmers of Iowa maintains a database of cover crop service providers who can assist you in sourcing seed, custom drilling, seeding or aerial applicators, seed cleaning services and custom sprayers in your area to help you establish and manage cover crops on your land. Follow the link below to find a service provider near you.
USDA Service Center
Your local USDA service center houses staff from multiple agencies that can help with a variety of projects on private land.
- The Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS) has staff who work exclusively with private landowners to improve soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat through federal land conservation programs. They administer the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which provides financial assistance and technical service for many activities including weed control, prescribed burning, forest management plans, and forest stand improvement. The NRCS is also a good source of information regarding pond construction.
- The Farm Service Agency administers several conservation-focused programs including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in addition to many loan and financial programs for farmers and landowners. Examples of practices eligible for federal cost-share and rental payments through CRP include grassland habitat establishment, hardwood tree planting, riparian forest buffer establishment, and many others.
- Soil and Water Conservation District staff provide assessment, planning, design, and cost share assistance to reduce soil loss, improve soil health, reduce runoff and protect water quality on private land.
The information contained on the Natural Resources Stewardship Directory on this website is an amalgamation of publicly-available information. Inclusion of entities in the application does not imply endorsement by Iowa State University or affiliates. Please contact us with any questions about the application.