The 2025 Tri-State Forest Stewardship Conference will be held March 1 at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event is co-led by Iowa State University, University of Illinois and University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Services.
“For over 25 years, the Tri-State Forest Stewardship Conference has been providing great information and resources to forest landowners in the Illinois/Iowa/Wisconsin tri-state area. It has been one of the largest conferences for forest landowners in the Midwest,” said Billy Beck, extension forestry specialist with Iowa State University.
This year’s keynote speaker is Lara Noldner from the University of Iowa. Noldner will discuss managing cultural resources and protecting archeological sites.
New this year to the conference is a Basics of Forestry track, with information designed for landowners who are just getting started in forest management or anyone looking for a refresher. This track includes sessions on tree identification, working with a forester, knowing your woods, and understanding forest management plans. Other topics at the conference include invasive species, wildlife, using chainsaws, forest health, pruning, generational land transfers and more.
The day will end with a discussion with forestry leaders from each state on programs, cost-share opportunities and new initiatives available to landowners.
The Tri-State Forest Stewardship Conference is designed specifically for forest landowners in the Midwest, but forestry professionals, consultants, volunteers, Master Naturalists and students are all encouraged to attend. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, at the Grand River Center, 500 Bell Street, in Dubuque. Check in will be from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The conference will begin promptly at 9 a.m.
To register, visit the website or call University of Illinois Extension at 815-858-2273. Registration, including lunch, is $55 on or before Feb, 21 and $65 afterward. Early registration is required to ensure seating and lunch.
If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Alex Burbach at 815-858-2273.
For more information, contact Billy Beck, extension forestry specialist with Iowa State University,