Full agenda: spring_2022_watershed_academy_agenda.pdf
Dr. Laura Witzling, Assistant Professor in the Greenlee School Journalism/Communication at Iowa State University, presented on communication tactics, making messages persuasive and behavior change. Laura's presentation can be found here: witzling_presentation.pdf.
Dr. Adam Janke, Assistance Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at Iowa State University, presented on wetland and wildlife case studies. Adam's case study as well as three additional studies can be found here.
Pheasants Forever, including Josh Divan, Allie Rath and Shane Weinberg, presented on programs and funding available to support habitat on agricultural land. The team also shared some tactics for talking with farmers and landowners about perennials and habitat. Attendees then visited four different sites at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge to discuss the year-to-year management of perennials. Their presentation can be found here: pheasants_forever_programs_and_practices.pptx
Rebekah Jones, a former TV news reporter and the Director of Communications for the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance, presented on how to work with the media to tell your water quality story. Her presentation can be found here: iawa_win_the_pitch_watershed_academy_2022.pdf
Kevin Kuhn, Resource Conservationist with the Iowa NRCS, and Neil Shaffer, Watershed Coordinator with the Howard SWCD, shared information on working with and accessing the various CRP programs. Kevin's presentation can be found here: making_the_most_of_the_crp_program.pptx
Erin Ogle, Watershed Coordinator with Taylor SWCD, and Colton Meyer, Environmental Specialist with the Iowa Department of Agriculture, shared their most successful outreach tactics and how they've been successful in their projects. Erin's list of outreach tactics can be found here: ogle_outreach_tactics_spring_2022_watershed_academy.pdf. And an example of the soil health hanky here: