2022 Fall Watershed Academy Resources, Presentations and Handouts

Full agenda: fall_2022_watershed_academy_agenda.pdf

Joshua Michel, Field Agronomist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, presented on soil fertility, soil sampling and testing. Josh's presentation can be found here: 2022_watershed_academy_-_understanding_soil_fertility_and_testing.pdf. He also shared Extension publication PM1688, A General Guide for Crop Nutrient and Limestone Recommendations in Iowa: general_guide_for_nutrient_and_limestone_recommendations_in_iowa.pdf

Rosie Roberts and Ben Porepp, Conservation Agronomists with Iowa Soybean Association, presented on choosing the cover crop that will work best given landowner goals. Rosie and Ben's presentation can be found here: fall_watershed_academy_slide_deck.pdf. And the worksheet they included can be found here: cover_crop_example_scenarios.pdf. They also shared an Iowa Soybean Association resource on managing cover crops: isa_advances_in_cover_crop_management.pdf.

Ben Covington, Technical Project Specialist, and Teresa Middleton, Research Scientist, with ISU's Digital Ag Team presented on farm machinery pros and cons, and which systems can support, or be adapted to support, conservation. Their presentation can be found here: watershed_academy_10_26_2022_final.pdf

Jen Simpson with Simpson Sales Solutions facilitated a discussion about current partners and why farmers say 'yes' or 'no' to conservation.

Liz Ripley, Conservation and Cover Crop Outreach Specialist with Iowa Learning Farms, presented on case studies that can help farmers redefine the field edge. Her presentation can be found here: fall_2022_watershed_academy.pptx

Matt Frana, Project Coordinator for the Turkey River Watershed, and Faith Luce, Watershed Coordinator with Grundy Soil and Water Conservation District, presented as part of the Watershed Coordinator Success Panel. Matt's presentation can be found here: watershed_academy_presentation_10.27.22.pptx. Faith's presentation can be found here: watershed_academy_faith_luce.pptx. Faith also shared examples of a newsletter (black_hawk_creek_winter_newsletter.pdf), postcard (bhc_postcards.pdf) and brochure (all_brochures.pdf).
